Viewing Media Status - Minutes - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier


Foundation 23.1

After clicking Run Meeting, the media status is displayed in the upper-right corner of the meeting window. Messages may also display under the toolbar that indicate the status of the media or streaming connection. Messages can be one of the following:

  • Messages displayed in blue are informational messages. They go away after eight seconds.

  • Messages displayed in yellow are error messages. An action may need to be taken to correct the media connection.

The media status indicates whether video is recording and broadcasting (streaming), and may change depending on any of the following variables:

  • If both the encoder and the Media Publisher service are turned on and operating correctly, the initial Recording status displays as Not Recording, and the Broadcast status displays as Not Streaming.

  • If the encoder is not streaming, but the Media Publisher is on, the Media Publisher status displays as Connected, but the Incoming Stream status displays as Disconnected. This indicates that video will be recorded, but it will not be streamed to Agenda Online. A message highlighted in yellow also displays indicating that the encoder and incoming stream are not connected.

    To continue the meeting without media, select Continue without Media. When the encoder comes back online, a blue banner is displayed, allowing you to resume the meeting using media.

    If you do not want to continue without media, when the media publisher or encoder comes back online, a yellow banner is displayed with the option to Start the Recording and Broadcast.

  • If the connection with the media publisher is lost, the media publisher status displays as not available. A message highlighted in yellow indicates that the media publisher is not available.

    To continue the meeting without media, select the Continue without Media option. A message is displayed, indicating that the meeting is running without media.


    The system automatically checks for a connection approximately every 60 seconds, but you can use the Refresh option to do a manual check earlier than the automatic check.

  • If the bitrate limit for the encoder has been reached, the Media Publisher status displays as Connected, and the Incoming Streams status is blank. A message highlighted in yellow indicates that the selected stream has exceeded the bitrate limit.

    The bitrate must be modified on the encoder in order to start the stream once again. Keep in mind that encoders may report lower than average bitrates than what was originally configured.

  • If the Media Publisher service is stopped, the meeting opens with no status indicated. Essentially, the meeting is opened as if you did not select a media option. You will need to start the Media Publisher to record video for the meeting.