The Member Speakers tab displays meeting members who have requested to speak on an item from the Voting Client.
You cannot start a member speaker if a public speaker is currently speaking.
To allow a member speaker to speak:
Select the Members tab. Meeting members who have requested to speak on an item are displayed.
You cannot change the Item Default Time for a member speaker.
If there are multiple speakers assigned to this item, hover your cursor over the speaker who would like to speak and then select the Start Speaker icon.
Member speaker options can also be controlled from the Voting Client. See the Agenda Voting module reference guide for more information.
The elapsed time for the member speaker is displayed.
Once a speaker is speaking, you can do the following:
Send alerts to the Voting Client. There are two different alerts that can be sent to the Voting Client. The significance of these alerts is typically determined prior to the start of the meeting. The alert can be invoked by either the clerk in Minutes, or by the meeting chairperson in the Voting Client.
When this alert is selected, the alert flashes on the screen of the member speaker in the Voting Client. Also, the icon is modified allowing either the clerk or the meeting chairperson to cancel the alert.
Stop or pause the timer. Select either the Stop Speaker or Pause Speaker icons to either stop the timer completely or pause the timer.
Select the Stop Speaker button next to the timer countdown.
Depending on the option selected above:
When the timer is paused, the amount of time the speaker has left (if any) is displayed in the Time field.
When the timer is stopped, the speaker is removed from the Member Speaker section.
When the speaker is speaking, you can enter notes in the Notes field in the Speaker Timer screen.
If you select the Public tab while a member speaker is speaking, the elapsed time for the member speaker is displayed in the Member tab.
- Click Close to close the Speaker Timer dialog box.