The OnBase Minutes Exception File logging method to capture logs and troubleshoot the OnBase Minutes client was removed and replaced with the standard Hyland logging to Diagnostics Console method. All troubleshooting logs will now log to Hyland diagnostics. To log Minutes data to diagnostics console, you will configure the Minutes config file as you would any other OnBase client by configuring the <Hyland.Logging> section of the client's config file.
See the Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console MRGs for more information if needed.
In the specific case of Minutes, we are only utilizing the None, Error, Warning, Information, and Trace levels. For the Trace level, the HylandTracing switch is not implemented in Minutes so there are no additional 0,1,2,3, or 4 levels within the Minutes trace logs. You will get all trace logs if you set the minimum-level to Trace.
Error level is the default if no minimum-level is configured.