Logging In Using Biometric Authentication - Mobile Access for iPad - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Mobile Access for iPad

Mobile Access for iPad
Foundation 22.1

If Touch ID or Face ID is enabled for the OnBase app, you can associate your OnBase login credentials with Touch ID or Face ID for authentication.


Touch ID or Face ID must be enabled in the iOS Settings app as well as on the Settings screen in the OnBase app in order to use biometric authentication to log in.

During first time setup of the app, you are prompted to select whether or not to set up Touch ID or Face ID authentication to log in to OnBase.

To set up authentication:

  1. Enter your OnBase user name in the User Name field.
  2. Enter your OnBase password in the Password field.
  3. Tap the Login button, or tap the Enter key on the virtual keyboard to log in.
    You are prompted to choose whether or not to use Touch ID or Face ID to log in to OnBase.
  4. Follow the prompts displayed on the screen. When you are finished, a confirmation is displayed and you are logged in to the app.

    If you have already set up Touch ID or Face ID authentication for OnBase:

  5. To log in as the user displayed on the login screen, tap Use Touch ID or Use Face ID.
  6. Follow the prompts displayed on the screen. Once your credentials are authenticated, you are logged in to the app.