When a form has a drawing control, a control similar to the following is displayed:
The following features are available:
When the pencil button is selected, you can draw lines within the box.
When the text button is selected, you can enter text that will be placed in the box.
When the eraser button is selected, you can erase lines and text within the box.
The color palette allows you to define what color the pencil and text controls will use.
The line width options allow you to define how thick you want the lines to be that are created by the pencil and erase tools.
Click Clear to clear the entire drawing control contents.
Click Undo to undo the last action performed within the control. You can use the Undo button to step backwards through changes made in the control.
Once a form is submitted or resubmitted, the changes made before the submission cannot be undone.
If you are using a browser that does not support this control, a message stating Your browser does not support the drawing control. is displayed.