The Mobile Applications Broker Server can be configured to allow mobile device registration for users belonging to an organization's Active Directory.
A user submits a registration form in OnBase on the device they are registering, which is then sent to a registration service on the Mobile Applications Broker Server. The registration service validates the user's information against the information that is stored in your organization's Active Directory. After the information is validated, a device account for the user is created in a separate Active Directory and the user receives a verification email containing a unique activation link. Once this link is accessed, the device is registered and the user is able to log on to OnBase using their newly registered device.
The following OnBase mobile applications currently offer support for device registration:
Mobile Access for Android
Mobile Access for iPad (Legacy)
Mobile Access for iPad
Mobile Access for iPhone (Legacy)
Mobile Access for iPhone
OnBase mobile applications that are not listed above will not be able to connect to a Mobile Applications Broker Server that is configured for device registration.