The Mobile Applications Broker Server installer can be run with the following properties applied to the command line:
Property |
Description |
This property can be used to change the default installation location for the Mobile Applications Broker Server. The default location is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MobileBroker\. If this property is not included, the default location is used. For example: MOBILEAPPSBROKER_FILES="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MobileBroker\" |
Enter the data source name that the Mobile Applications Broker Server will use to connect to OnBase. For example: DATASOURCE="My ODBC" |
Enter the identifier number of the Web site in IIS to which the Mobile Applications Broker Server will be installed. Web site identifiers are found in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. If you have only one Web site under IIS (e.g., Default Web Site), its number is typically 1. Note:
There is no default value for this property but the property is required and a value must be included. For example: MOBILEAPPSBROKWER_IIS_WEBSITE_ID="1" |
Enter an application name for the Mobile Applications Broker Server. By default, the server is named MobileBroker. If this property is not included, the default name is used. Note:
The application name must be unique. It is a best practice not to use parentheses in the application name. To change the default name, include this property on the command line. For example: MOBILEAPPSBROKER_APPLICATION_NAME="OtherMobileBroker" |
Enter the service client type for the Mobile Applications Broker Server. The default value is SOAP. If this property is not included, the default value is used. Enter Remoting if the Mobile Applications Broker Server and Application Server are hosted on the same machine. If the Mobile Applications Broker Server and Application Server are hosted on different machines, enter SOAP. For example: MOBILEAPPSBROKER_SERVICECLIENTTYPE="SOAP" |
Enter the URL to the Service page on the OnBase Application Server. By default, the URL is http://localhost/AppServer/Service.asmx. When using SOAP, the URL should end in Service.asmx. When using Remoting, the URL should end in Service.rem. For example: APPLICATION_SERVER_URL="http://localhost/AppServer/Service.asmx" |