Deployment Signing - Office Business Application for 2019 - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Office Business Application for 2019

Office Business Application for 2019
Foundation 23.1

Any necessary changes to the files in the deployment folder or the contents of the deployment folder, such as custom changes to the *.config file for the module, must be made before clicking Next at the Deployment Signing dialog box.

If you are in Advanced Mode, you still have the option to edit files in the deployment folder at the File Edit Notification dialog box that is displayed after the Deployment Signing dialog box.

If you are not in advanced mode, you must access the files directly by navigating to the deployment location before signing the deployment.

The Deployment Signing dialog box is displayed.

  1. Select the appropriate signing method.

    When Sign from Test Certificate is selected, a test certificate with the Common Name localhost is used. This test certificate is packaged with all ClickOnce installers. For security purposes, it is strongly recommended that this certificate remain un-trusted. This does not mean the certificate cannot be used, simply that when users attempt to launch the ClickOnce link, they are prompted with a message stating that the publisher could not be verified.

    When Sign from Certificate User Store is selected, certificates from the current user store are listed under this option. If there are any certificates in the current user store, they can be used for signing here. Only certificates purposed for code signing are valid.

    When Sign from File is selected, the deployment is signed using the PFX file entered in the corresponding field. Only certificates purposed for code signing are valid.


    Any necessary changes to the files in the deployment folder or the contents of the deployment folder, such as custom changes to the *.config file for the module, must be made before clicking Next at the Deployment Signing dialog box. If you are not in advanced mode, you must access the files directly by navigating to the deployment location before clicking Next and signing the deployment.

  2. Click Next. If you are in Advanced Mode, the File Edit Notification dialog box is displayed.

    From this dialog box you can open the deployment folder by clicking Open Deployment Folder. At this time, any necessary changes to the files in the folder or the contents of the folder must be made, such as custom changes to the *.config file for the module.

  3. If you want to change the language and culture settings of the deployment, you must click Open Deployment Folder and edit the corresponding *.exe.config or *.dll.config file before signing the deployment (in other words, before clicking OK). If these settings are not changed, the default operating system language and culture settings are used for the module.

    The Template Builder always uses the default operating system language and culture settings.

    To change the language and culture settings:

    1. Open the deployment folder and open the corresponding *.exe.config or *.dll.config file in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad. Do not use a binary-text editor, such as Word, to edit this file.
    2. Locate the <Hyland.Canvas> node.
    3. Remove the comment tags (<!-- and -->) from the <DisplayLanguage> node to enable it and display the module in a language different from the default operating system language. If this node remains commented, the default operating system language is used for the module.
    4. Replace the value of the <DisplayLanguage> node with the language name of the language you want the module displayed in, such as de-DE for German or fr-FR for French (for more information on language names, see the article on Language Strings available from Microsoft Support). The default value of this node is en-US.
    5. Remove the comment tags (<!-- and -->) from the <Culture> node to enable it and override the default Windows locale settings. If this node remains commented, the module displays dates, times, currencies, and numeric values using the default Windows locale settings configured in the Windows Regional and Language Options.
    6. Replace the value of the <Culture> node with the culture name of the culture you want the module to use, such as de-DE for German or fr-FR for French. For a complete list of supported cultures, see the Web Server documentation. The default value of this node is en-US.
    7. Save and close the file.
  4. Click OK on the File Edit Notification dialog box. Upon clicking OK, the folder is signed and cannot be modified without updating the deployment instance.
  5. If you signed the deployment from a file, and the certificate requires a password, you will be prompted to enter the password for the certificate.

    You can paste the password into the field to ensure accuracy.

  6. The application is deployed and the Summary dialog is displayed upon completion.

    Clicking the link provided under Success launches the application. This is the same as the full path that external users must use to install and launch the application.

    Click Copy Link To Clipboard to copy this link to the clipboard.

  7. Click Finish.

Upon completing these steps, you have installed the Deployment Wizard and installed an instance. You can add additional instances, update existing instances, and access the Deployment Wizard by selecting Start | All Programs | Hyland | Deployment | Deployment Wizard.