- Create an OnBase Active Directory group in Windows.
- Assign each user who will be accessing OnBase documents from Meditech to this group.
- Log onto the OnBase Configuration module.
Click Users | User Groups/Rights. The User Groups & Rights dialog box is displayed.
- In the field below the User Group Name list, enter the name of your OnBase Active Directory group (i.e., OnBase).
- Click Create. The OnBase User Group is created.
- Click Privileges. The Assigning User Group Privileges for <User Group Name> Group dialog box is displayed.
In the Documents section, select the Retrieve/View check box. It should be the only check box selected in the Assigning User Group Privileges for <User Group Name> Group dialog box.
- Click Save. The Assigning User Group Privileges for <User Group Name> Group dialog box is closed and you are returned to the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
- Click Product Rights. The Assigning Product Rights for <User Group Name> Group dialog box is displayed.
In the Registered Processing Products section, select the Web Client check box. It should be the only check box selected in the Assigning Product Rights for <User Group Name> Group dialog box.
- Click Save. The Assigning Product Rights for <User Group Name> Group dialog box is closed and you are returned to the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
Click Document Types. The Assigning Document Types for <User Group Name> Group dialog box is displayed.
From the Available for Selection section, select all of the Document Type Groups and/or Document Types that you want users to have access to from Meditech and click Add>>.
The selected Document Type Groups and/or Document Types are moved to the Selected for Group section.
- Click Close. The Assigning Document Types for <User Group Name> Group is closed and you are returned to the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
- Click Exit to return to the OnBase Configuration module.
- The first time users belonging to the OnBase Active Directory group log on to OnBase using their network credentials, their OnBase user accounts will be created and assigned to the OnBase User Group.