Configuring and Managing the Multiserver - OnBase for Meditech with ODA - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

OnBase for Meditech with ODA

OnBase for Meditech with ODA
Foundation 22.1

To configure or manage the Multiserver, right-click on the Multiserver service. To configure the Multiserver, follow these steps:

  1. From the Multiserver Command Center, right-click on your Multiserver service and select Configure. The Configure Multiserver window is displayed:
  2. Configure your Multiserver as required. The following options are available:




    This field contains the path to your Multiserver executable. This field cannot be modified.


    This field contains the path to the directory that will store your Multiserver log file. It is recommended that you set this field to a subdirectory of the path to your Multiserver executable (for example, C:\Program Files\Hyland\Multiserver\Logs).


    A log file will only be saved to the LogFilePath directory if your Trace Level setting is set to Medium.


    This field contains the path to the directory that will store dictionary files that a user attempts to send to a MARS server. It is recommended that you set this field to a subdirectory of the path to your Multiserver executable (for example, C:\Program Files\Hyland\Multiserver\Dictionaries).

    In some organizations, users may have become accustomed to copying dictionary files stored within Meditech to a MARS server. Because this is no longer necessary when using OnBase for Meditech, your DictionaryPath directory will be used to store any dictionary files that are accidentally sent to a MARS server through force of habit.

    Listening Port

    This option must be set to 245.

    PrintServer Port

    If your Meditech system makes use of Meditech's print functionality, you should configure this value with the number of the Port that Meditech communicates with in order to send print jobs.

    If you do not use Meditech's print functionality, you can leave this value blank.

    PrintServer IP

    If your Meditech system makes use of Meditech's print functionality, you should configure this value with the IP address that Meditech communicates with in order to send print jobs.

    If you do not use Meditech's print functionality, you can leave this value blank.

    Trace Level

    This option controls whether a Multiserver log file will be generated. This log file will be stored in the LogFilePath directory you have configured. To enable logging, you should set the Trace Level option to Medium.

    If you do not want to generate a Multiserver log file, you should set the Trace Level to Off.

    Command Logging

    This option is maintained for legacy purposes and should not be selected.

    Network Logging

    This option is maintained for legacy purposes and should not be selected.

    Use Secondary

    Select this option if the Multiserver needs to access a secondary server for additional data files that may not be located in the primary server. This secondary server could be a MARS server or another OnBase server.

    Secondary IP

    This field should be set to the IP address of your secondary server.

    This field is only used if the Use Secondary option is selected.


    Never set the Secondary IP to the IP address of your primary server.

    Secondary Port

    This field should be set to 245.

    This field is only used if the Use Secondary option is selected.


    Select this option if your secondary server is a MARS server.


    Select this option if your secondary server is an OnBase server.

    Reject Puts

    This feature is maintained for legacy purposes and should not be selected.

  3. After making all required changes, click OK.
  4. Stop and restart your Multiserver to ensure that your changes take effect. For more information on starting and stopping your Multiserver service, see Starting Or Stopping A Service.