Mapping Document Types to Meditech Forms - OnBase for Meditech with ODA - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

OnBase for Meditech with ODA

OnBase for Meditech with ODA
Foundation 22.1

Every Document Type configured to be released to Meditech must be mapped to a related Meditech form.

Unlike the OnBase Keyword Type mapping you previously configured, this is not an apples-to-apples comparison because the OnBase Document Type is not an equivalent to the form it is mapped to in Meditech. Rather, the mapping represents that some type of relationship exists between the OnBase Document Type and the Meditech form.

Mapping an OnBase Document Type to a Meditech form allows you to release documents assigned to that Document Type from that Meditech form.

To map an OnBase Document Type to a Meditech form:

  1. From the External System Document Type Configuration <External System ID> - <External System Name> dialog box, select a Document Type from the Selected Document Types list.
  2. Click Map Value. The External Document Types Mapping dialog box is displayed.
  3. Type the Meditech Form ID for the Meditech form in the External System Value field, then click Create. The Meditech form will be added to the Selected External Document Types list.

    You can map multiple Meditech forms to the same OnBase Document Type.

  4. Click Close. The External Document Types Mapping dialog box is closed and you are returned to the External System Document Type Configuration <External System ID> - <External System Name> dialog box.
  5. Repeat Steps 1-4 for all remaining Document Types in the Selected Document Types list.
  6. When finished, click Cancel. The External System Document Type Configuration <External System ID> - <External System Name> dialog box is closed and you are returned to the External System Configuration dialog box.
  7. If you have multiple Meditech systems and versions (e.g., Meditech Magic, Meditech Client/Server, Meditech MAT, etc.), and you would like to configure unique settings for each of these systems, select Meditech Client/Server or Meditech M-AT, as appropriate. Then repeat all configuration procedures outlined in the sections above, starting with Configuring Document Types To Allow Them To Be Released to Meditech.

    By default, the Meditech Client/Server and Meditech M-AT options inherit the Key- Value pair settings of the Meditech Magic option. If no configuration changes are made to the two override options, they retain the inherited settings. If configuration changes are made, however, they override the inherited settings, allowing you to map the same OnBase Keyword/Document Type to different Keyword/Document Types in different Meditech systems.


    The override options do not inherit the Document Type mappings of the Meditech Magic option. You must manually map the Document Types for each override option you wish to use, even if you wish to maintain the same Document Type mappings you configured for the Meditech Magic option.

  8. When you are finished configuring your Document Types for Meditech, click Close. The External System Configuration dialog box is closed.