Specifying the Document Types To Be Released - OnBase for Meditech with ODA - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

OnBase for Meditech with ODA

OnBase for Meditech with ODA
Foundation 22.1
  1. From the OnBase Configuration module, click Utils | External Systems. The External System Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    Note that the Meditech Magic external system entry has already been created.

  2. Select the Meditech Magic external system entry. The Document Types and Values buttons are enabled.
  3. Click Document Types. The External System Document Type Configuration <External System ID> - <External System Name> dialog box is displayed.
  4. From the Available Document Types list, select the OnBase Document Type(s) that you would like to make available for release to Meditech.

    Most likely, these are all of the OnBase Document Types that you previously created. See Document Types for more information.

  5. Click Add>>. The selected Document Type(s) are moved to the Selected Document Types list.

    To make a Document Type unavailable for release to Meditech, select it in the Selected Document Types list and click <<Remove. The Document Type is moved to the Available Document Types list.


    Only documents assigned to Document Types in the Selected list can be retrieved and viewed from within Meditech.


    Only PDF, TIFF, PNG, BMP, and JPG image files can be released to Meditech SCA. If you are configuring this instance of the HMRS to release to Meditech SCA, ensure that the Document Types selected are image file formats. Documents with more than one page are converted to a single multi-page TIFF file upon release. If documents are attached to a Unity form, a single multi-page TIFF file is created with the Unity form as page one, and the attached document as the subsequent pages.