Defining Meditech Configuration Parameters - OnBase for Meditech with ODA - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

OnBase for Meditech with ODA

OnBase for Meditech with ODA
Foundation 22.1

The first step to configuring your OnBase for Meditech solution is specifying your Meditech configuration parameters in OnBase. This allows OnBase to manage the communication between itself and Meditech.

To define your Meditech configuration information in OnBase:

  1. From the OnBase Configuration module, click Utils | External Systems. The External System Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    Note that the Meditech external system entry has already been created.

  2. Select the Meditech Magic external system entry. The Document Types and Values buttons are enabled.
  3. Click Values. The External System Parameter Configuration <External System ID> - <External System Name> dialog box is displayed.
  4. Using the Key and Value fields, manually enter the first OnBase /Meditech configuration parameter from the list below.

    You can skip any parameter that does not apply to your OnBase for Meditech solution. For example: if your solution will not use a proxy user to authenticate to OnBase, you do not need to add the Proxy User Name parameter.


    All OnBase /Meditech configuration parameters are case-sensitive.




    Account Number Mask Length


    Typically, this is set to 12 characters long.

    This value must be set to the length of the Account Number value (in characters) used by Meditech.

    Allow Meditech Integrated Authentication

    Y or N


    This setting is ignored if the Allow Proxy User Login setting is set to Y.

    This value tells OnBase if it should attempt to authenticate using the user's network security credentials when a login is valid in both Active Directory and Meditech or if users must provide a user name and password in order to view OnBase documents from within Meditech.

    Enter Y if your solution uses single sign on with Active Directory credentials. OnBase will attempt to authenticate users using each user's network security credentials.

    Enter N if OnBase should allow a user to enter his/her user name and password when launching the OnBase for Meditech Viewer.


    The Attempt Integrated Authentication key must also be set to Y in order for this key to work.

    Attempt Integrated Authentication

    Y or N


    This setting is ignored if the Allow Proxy User Login setting is set to Y.


    This setting is for use with the Allow Meditech Integrated Authentication setting.

    Enter Y if your solution uses single sign on with Active Directory credentials. OnBase will attempt to authenticate users using each user's network security credentials.

    Enter N if OnBase should allow a user to enter his/her user name and password when launching the OnBase for Meditech Viewer.


    For more information on authenticating users, see Authentication Methods.

    ChartPop URL


    This parameter is maintained for legacy purposes only.

    For new medical deployments, please use the OnBase Patient Window.

    Default Document Type Name


    Generally, Meditech Archive Report

    Meditech exports archive reports to OnBase for long term storage.

    This value specifies the name of the OnBase Document Type that the Meditech Archive Reports are assigned to.

    Default Image Document ID


    May also be set to the document handle of an image document stored in OnBase.

    This value specifies the document handle of the default OnBase Document Image.

    The default OnBase Document Image is an image document that is displayed when the OnBase for Meditech Viewer fails to display the requested document (e.g., the document is no longer available or has been deleted).

    If no default OnBase Document Image is specified, a default image document is displayed when the OnBase for Meditech Viewer fails to display the requested document.


    It is recommended that this setting be left blank so that the default image document is displayed when a document cannot be found.

    DocPop URL


    By default, it would be set to http://<Server Name>/appnet/docpop.aspx

    This value specifies the URL to the OnBase Web Server's DocPop.aspx page.

    Exclude External System ID from Retrieval ID

    Y or N

    This value determines if an external system's ID is included in the document retrieval ID.

    Enter Y to prevent external system IDs from being appended to the Meditech retrieval ID.

    Enter N to allow external system IDs to be appended to the Meditech retrieval ID.

    Listener Address


    //<Server Name or IP Address>

    This value specifies the name or IP address of the server where the Hyland Meditech Listener has been installed. This information is available from your solution provider.

    The Hyland Meditech Listener is used to receive and perform authentication and Patient Verification requests.

    Listener Port


    Generally, this value is set to 6779 or 6789 for //TEST or 6889 for //PRD.

    This value specifies the port used by the Hyland Meditech Listener. This information is available from your solution provider.

    The Hyland Meditech Listener is used to receive and perform authentication and Patient Verification requests.

    MRN Mask Length


    Typically, this is set between 8-12 characters long.

    This value must be set to the length of the Medical Record Number (i.e., Unit Number) value (in characters) used by Meditech.

    Operation Timeout


    This value specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) that OnBase will wait for the Hyland Meditech Listener to return a response to a request for data from Meditech. Typically, this setting should be left at the default value of 3000.

    OnBase Keyword Facility Name


    If you have multiple Meditech facilities and you have a Facility Keyword defined, this value should be set to the Meditech facility code this external Meditech system serves.

    Alternatively, the Facility Keyword can be mapped to Chart Data Fields or specific Document Type mappings. See Mapping the Facility Keyword to Chart Data Fields and Mapping the Required Keywords to Meditech Values for more information.

    PatientWindow URL


    The value is set to the location of the Login.aspx file.

    This parameter is used to enable OnBase Patient Window to open Meditech images.

    The value specifies the location of the Login.aspx file used by OnBase Patient Window. For example: http://machine/PatientWindow/Login.aspx

    Refer to the Patient Window documentation for information on using OnBase Patient Window.

    Retrieval Prefix


    It is recommended that this value be set to 59 for //TEST and 58 for //PRD.

    This value is used to specify the Retrieval Prefix for this OnBase for Meditech solution.

    When documents are archived in OnBase, they are assigned a Meditech Retrieval ID Keyword Value (e.g., 58_12345).

    The first two digits of this Keyword Value are referred to as the Retrieval Prefix. The Retrieval Prefix is used to indicate if the document is associated with the Test system or the Production system.

    Allow Proxy User Login

    Y or N

    This value is used to indicate if a proxy user will be used to authenticate to OnBase when launching the OnBase for Meditech Viewer to view documents from within Meditech.

    Enter N for this setting to require users to authenticate when retrieving and viewing documents from within Meditech (via integrated authentication or by entering a user name and password).

    Enter Y to use a proxy user to authenticate to OnBase when retrieving an viewing documents from within Meditech (the user's credentials are not used).

    If you configure your solution to use a proxy user account, you will be unable to use features such as OnBase Document History to identify specific user interactions with documents. For example:

    If user John Adams logs into OnBase using your proxy user account and creates a note, that document's Document History will contain an entry stating that Proxy User performed a Create Note action.


    Setting Allow Proxy User Login to Y will force the Attempt Integrated Authentication setting to be ignored.


    For more information on authenticating users, see Authentication Methods.

    Proxy User Name



    This setting is only used when Allow Proxy User Login is set to Y.

    This value indicates the OnBase user name of the proxy user used to authenticate to OnBase when launching the OnBase for Meditech Viewer to view documents from within Meditech.


    For more information on authenticating users, see Authentication Methods.

  5. Once an OnBase /Meditech configuration parameter has been entered, click Change/Add to add the parameter to the list.
  6. Repeat Step 4 and 5 until all OnBase /Meditech configuration parameter have been configured.
  7. If an OnBase /Meditech configuration parameter needs to be modified, select it from the list and click Change/Add.
    To delete an OnBase /Meditech configuration parameter, select it from the list and click Delete.
  8. Once all OnBase /Meditech configuration parameters have been correctly defined, click Save. The External System Parameter Configuration <External System ID> - <External System Name> dialog box is closed and you are returned to the External System Configuration dialog box.
  9. If you have multiple Meditech systems and versions (e.g., Meditech Magic, Meditech Client/Server, Meditech MAT, etc.), and you would like to configure unique settings for each of these systems, select Meditech Client/Server o r Meditech M-AT, as appropriate, and click Values. Then repeat steps 4 to 8.
    By default, the Meditech Client/Server and Meditech M-AT options inherit the settings of the Meditech Magic option. If no configuration changes are made to the two override options, they retain the inherited settings. If configuration changes are made, however, they override the inherited settings, allowing you to map the same OnBase Keyword/Document Type to different Keyword/Document Types in different Meditech systems.
  10. Click Close. The External System Configuration dialog box is closed.