When you select a Document Type button that has been configured for Keyword validation in the Express Scanning client, depending on your configuration, you may be prompted to enter a value for the OnBase Keyword Type(s) to which the Medical Record # and/or Chart ID # / Account # chart data fields have been mapped. Once the necessary values have been entered, Keyword validation is performed. If these values are successfully matched to the corresponding values in your Meditech solution, the remaining values for the matching Meditech record are populated in the corresponding Keyword Type fields. If Keyword validation fails, an error message is displayed.
If you are not prompted to enter any Keyword Values, and if the Keyword Values for Medical Record # and/or Chart ID # / Account # have already been specified (i.e., in the Express Scanning master configuration file or through the -DATA command line switch), then Keyword validation is automatically performed.
If a time is included in the Admit Date value in your Meditech solution, the time portion is removed when the value is populated in the corresponding OnBase Keyword Type field. This ensures that date-only Keyword Types (i.e., Date Keyword Types, as opposed to Date & Time Keyword Types) are populated correctly.
If no value is entered for the Keyword Type that has been configured for validation, the validation process is not performed, and no error message is displayed.