Configuration - OnBase for Meditech with ODA - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

OnBase for Meditech with ODA

OnBase for Meditech with ODA
Foundation 22.1

Configuration information for your OnBase for Meditech solution is stored in:

  • The OnBase Database. Configuration information for the components of your OnBase solution, (e.g., Disk Groups, Keyword Types, Document Types, and User Groups), the external system parameters that allow OnBase to communicate with Meditech, and the Hyland Meditech Release Service are stored in your OnBase database.

  • The OnBase Application Server's Web.Config File. Configuration information for your OnBase Application Server is stored in its web.config file.

  • The Hyland Meditech Release Service's Hyland.Integrations.Meditech.Release.Service.Exe.Config File. Configuration information for the HMRS is stored in the Hyland.Integrations.Meditech.Release.Service.exe.config file.

  • The Hyland Multiserver's Mltservc.Exe.Config File. Configuration information for the Multiserver is stored in the mltservc.exe.config file.

Proper backups of all of these items will contain all configuration information necessary for your OnBase for Meditech solution.