Creating a Service Account for the HMRS - OnBase for Meditech with ODA - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

OnBase for Meditech with ODA

OnBase for Meditech with ODA
Foundation 22.1

The Hyland Meditech Release Service requires a dedicated OnBase service account. The user name for this account should indicate that it is used solely by the HMRS (e.g., OB_HMRS).

To configure a Service Account:

  1. From the Configuration module, select Users | User Names / Passwords.

    The User Names & Passwords dialog box is displayed.

  2. Enter a new user name in the field beneath the User Name list and click Create. The User Settings dialog box is displayed.
    You can also select an existing user account to designate as a service account, then click Settings. The User Settings dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select the Service Account check box under Administrator Options.

    All options not applicable to a Service Account are disabled. Deselecting the Service Account check box for the existing user allows them to retain all rights and privileges that were previously assigned to them. Options in the User Settings dialog box are cleared when the Service Account check box is selected and must be reapplied when the check box is deselected.


    The Service Account check box should never be selected with an account that is being used to run the OnBase Client (obclnt32.exe) as a Windows service.


    Designating an existing user account as a Service Account removes the existing user from all User Groups and prevents the user from being added into a User Group. Users that are configured as service accounts will not be able to log into OnBase through standard interfaces. A Service Account also grants the user name full rights and privileges in OnBase.

  4. Enter a User Password and repeat this password in the Verify Password field. If this is an existing user account and you need to change its password, select Update Password to enable these fields.

    The Require Password Change on Next Login setting cannot be selected for Service Accounts.

  5. Click Save.