Upon completion of the installation of the Hyland Meditech Release Service, a check box is displayed on the final installation screen, allowing you to launch the HMRS configuration dialog box. If you select this option, you can configure the HMRS immediately following installation.
To configure the HMRS:
If the Launch HMRS Configuration option is selected on the Completed Installation screen during installation of the HMRS, the Hyland Meditech Release Service Configuration dialog box is displayed.
- The Application Server URL field is automatically populated with the specific URL for your Application Server. Modify the value if needed.
- Enter the datasource to connect to in the Datasource field.
- Enter the service name in the Service User Name field. This service name is the one you created prior to installing the HMRS. See Creating a Service Account for the HMRS for more information.
- Enter the password for the service name in the Service User Password field.
- Re-enter the service name password in the Confirm Service User Password field.
- Click Test Connection from the bottom of the dialog box to ensure that the values you entered are correct.
Set the following options in the General Settings section:
External System ID. This value identifies the External System that was set up in the OnBase Config tool. See Defining Meditech Configuration Parameters for more information. The default value is 2.
Facility Name. This must be set to the name of the facility that this instance of the HMRS serves.
Clinical ID. This value represents the clinical ID for your configuration. This value is required and must be set to the clinical Event Relay Server ID number.
Non-Clinical ID. This values represents the non-clinical ID for your configuration. This value is required and must be set to the non-clinical Event Relay Server ID number.
Release Type. Select a release type from the drop-down list. The value that display are dependent on what was installed during the installation process.
Concurrency: This value displays the number of concurrent licenses available for the HMRS tool.
Polling Interval (secs). This value determines the time between polling sessions. Either accept the default or enter a new value if needed.
Cleanup Interval (mins). This value determines the time between performing a system cleanup. Either accept the default or enter a new value if needed.
Fail/Retry Interval (mins). This setting controls the rate at which the HMRS will attempt to release documents to Meditech if a connection error caused those documents to fail. This setting is disabled by default.
Shared Folder. Depending on the value selected from the Release type drop-down list, the shared folder field may be activated. Set this value to a valid UNC path for the shared folder to which OnBase documents will be released according to Meditech R1457 specification.
Select from the following options in the Logging section:
Log Successes. Select this check box to log all successful transactions.
Log to File: Select his check box to log items into a log file.
Verbose Logging. Select this check box to provide detailed information of a logged event.
- Click Save. The configurations are saved and the dialog box closes.