The externalSystemId and the facilityID settings must be configured in the Hyland.Integrations.Meditech.Multiserver.NTService.exe.config file. This identifies the configured External System and configured facility you want to map to OnBase.
To configure the externalSystemId and facilityID settings:
Locate the
In a default installation, this is located at:
- C:\Program Files\Hyland\MultiserverNET (in a 32-bit environment)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\MultiserverNET (in a 64-bit environment)
Open the Hyland.Integrations.Meditech.Multiserver.NTService.exe.config file in
a plain-text editor, such as Notepad.
The *.config file should only be edited in a plain-text editor, such as Notepad, or a utility specifically designed to edit XML files. It should not be edited in a binary editor, such as Microsoft Word. Using a binary editor can introduce invalid characters to the file and make it unreadable by the software.
- Locate the externalSystemId> element under <OnBaseODAProvider>.
Enter the value that identifies the configured External System in the
value attribute. For example:
<externalSystemId value="2" />By default, the Meditech Magic External System ID is 2.Note: This value is found in the External System dialog box in the OnBase Configuration module. Select Utils | External Systems and select the Meditech Magic external system name entry. The ID# is displayed in the top right of the External System Configuration dialog box.
- Locate the <facilityID> element under <OnBaseODAProvider>.
Enter the value that identifies the configured facility to which to map to
OnBase in the value attribute. For
<facilityID value="101" />Note: This value is found in the Medical Facility Configuration dialog box in the OnBase Configuration module. Select Medical | Facilities | Facility Configuration and select the facility from the Medical Facility list. The ID # is displayed at the top right of the Medical Facility Configuration dialog box.
- Save and close the Hyland.Integrations.Meditech.Multiserver.NTService.exe.config file.
- Recycle the application pool of the Multiserver for the changes to take effect.