Configure the following ODATCPServerDEC settings in the Hyland.Integrations.Meditech.Multiserver.NTService.exe.config file. The location of this file is in one of the following default locations:
C:\Program Files\Hyland\MultiserverNET(in a 32-bit environment)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\MultiserverNET(in a 64-bit environment)
When all settings are configured, save the file and restart your application pool.
Setting |
Description |
host |
The local IP address of the machine on which the Printserver is installed. |
port |
The port on which the Printserver will listen. Typically, this is port 245. |
printerConfigurationFilePath |
The file path to the print.ini file. |
useRemotePrintServer |
Enter true for the value if the Printserver is installed on another machine, separate from the Multiserver. |
RemotePrintServer |
Enter the IP address of the machine on which the Printserver is installed in the host attribute and the port number to be used for your remote print server in the port attribute (typically, port 245). This setting should only be configured if useRemotePrintServer is set to true. |