Pre PCL Options=0
Image on computer's monitor is sent directly to printer. All the other PCL options are ignored.
Pre PCL Options=1
PCL code is sent straight to the printer. The other PCL options are executed. Also the vertical motion index, top margin, and vertical cursor position are set to special values. This was written for a specific customer and should not be used by others.
Pre PCL Options=number greater than 1
PCL code is sent straight to the printer. The other PCL options are executed.
Pre PCL Resolution=300
Use this to set the printer's resolution to 300 before the document is printed.
Pre PCL Resolution=600
Use this to set the printer's resolution to 600 before the document is printed.
Post PCL Resolution=300
Use this to set the printer's resolution back to 300 after the document is printed.
Post PCL Resolution=600
Use this to set the printer's resolution back to 600 after the document is printed.
Post PCL Option=6
Prints 4 blank spaces.
Post PCL Option=7
Reset the printer to default values, then prints 4 blank spaces.
Post PCL Option=10
Reset the printer to default values, print 4 blank spaces, then execute an end page command.
Post PCL Option=11
Reset the printer to default values, then execute an end page command.
Post PCL Option=12
Reset the printer to default values.
Post PCL Option=13
Execute end page command.
PCL LetterGothic=0
This permits the use of a special font, but is generally not needed.
PCL Data Stream vs. PCL Filter - A PCL document is a PCL Data Stream file type only. It is an error to import a PCL file as a PCL Filter. A PCL Filter file type is only for use by a PCL printset file.