Import Process - PDF Input Filter - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

PDF Input Filter

PDF Input Filter
Foundation 22.1
  1. In the Configuration program, select Import | Process Export | COLD Import.
  2. The COLD Process Import dialog box is displayed. At the File to Import field, click the browse button navigate out to the file you want to import.

    File paths are limited to 255 characters.

  3. The Open dialog box is displayed, requesting the location of the export file. Use the navigation controls at the Open dialog box to browse to the appropriate location for the export file. When the export file is located (name appears in the File name field), click Open. (Cancel can be selected to exit the import process without importing data.)
  4. Select a Default Disk group from the drop-down list. You can select <Will Assign Later> to continue without selecting a Disk Group.
    • This Disk Group will be specified in the Process Settings For: <Process Name> dialog if the process is new to the system, and will override any Disk Group specified in the Process Settings For: <Process Name> dialog if the process already existed.

    • This Disk Group will be specified in Document Type settings if the Document Type is new to the system, and will NOT override any Disk Group specified in the Document Type settings if the Document Type already existed.

  5. Click Import to continue.
  6. A progress bar appears while the file is read, followed by the Auto Import - Process Configuration dialog box. This dialog box lists the COLD Processors whose configurations were identified in the export file. If desired, any of the Process Settings parameters for any of the COLD Processors can be modified prior to import. To do so, highlight a COLD Processor and select Settings. Make the appropriate changes at the Process Settings For: <Process Name> dialog box. Select Save when changes are complete.

    Configuration elements referenced at the Process Settings For: <Process Name> dialog box (but configured outside of the COLD Processor) must be manually reconfigured after import. Specifically: Disk Groups, Index Extraction Formats, Secondary COLD Formats, Autofill Keyword Sets.

  7. When the COLD Processor(s) are ready for import, select Import to initiate the process.
    During import, the import utility detects conflicts with the existing system. If no conflicts are present, the import process completes and a Process Import Success message is displayed. The imported COLD Processor(s) can be viewed in the COLD queue of the import system. If conflicts exist, they must be resolved before the import process can complete.
  8. To resolve conflicts at the Auto Import - Document Type Exception Configuration dialog box, highlight the Document Type with the conflict, and select either New or Use Existing in the Options section of the dialog box. Import a COLD process with Document Types that already exist in the system.
    • Use Existing (defaults for Use Existing for Document Types or Document Types that exist in the system) Selecting Use Existing directs the system to retain the Document Type and its associated configuration parameters from the COLD Processor that already exists in the import system. The Document Type configuration from the exported COLD Processor is not imported.

    • New (defaults for new Document Types or Document Types that exist in the system but have changes to Keyword Types or Groups) Selecting New directs the system to use the parameters defined in the Document Type configured in the exported COLD Processor. The Document Type configuration of the existing COLD Processor will be deleted.


      If the Document Type configuration of an existing COLD Processor is deleted, it will also be deleted in any other COLD Process in which it is defined in the import system. Likewise, the associated Field Order parameters associated with that Document Type are deleted in every COLD Process in which the Document Type was configured.

  9. When all conflicts have been resolved, select Import. A Process Import Success message is displayed when the import process is complete.