Configuring the Admit Type - Patient Window - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Patient Window

Patient Window
Foundation 23.1

The following procedure describes how to complete the configuration of an Admit Type created by the HL7 module. If the Admit Type is assigned to any charts in Charts Requiring Review, then it must be configured before the charts can be removed from the queue.

  1. Select the Admit Type that requires configuration.

    Admit Types preceded with an asterisk (*) were created by HL7 and have not yet been configured.

  2. Click Settings.
  3. Configure the Admit Type settings as needed.
  4. Click Save. The asterisk is removed.
  5. Restart the OnBase Client process that is running the HL7 Listener or the HL7 EDI Processor. Once the HL7 process responsible for chart creation is restarted, new charts for the Admit Type can be created without requiring review.
  6. Proceed to Fixing Charts in Review for HL7-Created Admit Types.