OnBase Patient Window allows users to create forms that have been designated for form creation in the OnBase Configuration module.
To make forms available for creation in OnBase Patient Window:
Select Medical | User Interface Settings | Patient Window | Form Selection. The Form Selection Configuration dialog box is displayed.
- To filter the forms available in the left pane, select a Document Type Group from the Document Type Group Filter drop-down list.
From the left pane, select one or more forms.
For Unity Forms, the name of the Unity Form template is displayed.
For E-Forms, the name of the Document Type is displayed.
Click one of the following:
Add Patient —Click if the selected forms should be attached to the patient's record, but not to a specific chart.
Add Chart —Click if the selected forms should be attached to a specific chart in the patient's record.
Ensure the associated Document Types are assigned the Keyword Types necessary for attaching the forms to charts or patients. For more information, see Requirements for Form Creation.
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in which forms are listed in the Create Form dialog box in OnBase Patient Window.
- Click Close when you are finished designating forms.