The Document Types for forms must satisfy the following requirements:
Form Document Types must belong to a Medical Record Document Type Group.
Form Document Types must be assigned the Keyword Types used for the MPI Number and Medical Record # chart data fields (fields #1 and 7, respectively).
For forms to be attached to charts, form Document Types must be assigned the Keyword Types used for the Chart ID #, MPI Number, and Medical Record # chart data fields (fields #10, 1, and 7, respectively).
Note:If a chart data field is configured to require an assigning authority, then the associated assigning authority Keyword Type must also be assigned to the form Document Type.
For forms to be attached to charts, form Document Types must be assigned to the chart context under Medical | Context Configuration | Chart Context Document Types in OnBase Configuration. For more information about configuring medical record Document Types, see the OnBase HL7 Module documentation.
As a best practice, chart-level forms should be configured to use an AutoFill Keyword Set where the chart ID is the primary Keyword Type. Patient-level forms should be configured to use an AutoFill Keyword Set where the MPI is the primary Keyword Type.