Configuring Life Cycles for Corrections - Patient Window - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Patient Window

Patient Window
Foundation 23.1

To use the document correction process, you must configure at least one Workflow life cycle to receive and route submitted documents.

Correction actions send documents to the initial queue of the target life cycle. If additional routing is needed, configure system work for the initial queue to route documents to other queues.

For detailed information about configuring OnBase Workflow, see the Workflow module reference guide.

If you are using a form to submit correction requests, also do the following:

  1. Configure the initial queue of the life cycle to create the correction request form.
    • For E-Forms, use the Create New Form action type.

    • For Unity Forms, use the Create Unity Form action type.


      Do not use Unity Forms if users will access this life cycle using the OnBase Client; the OnBase Client cannot display Unity Forms. Unity Forms can be displayed in the Unity Client and Web Client.

  2. Enable the Fill Document Handle Keyword(s) option for the action that will create the correction form.
    For this setting to work, the Document Handle Keyword Type must be assigned to the Document Types of both the document submitted for correction and the correction request form.
  3. Create a work folder to display the related document based on the Document Handle Keyword Type.
    Depending on the design of your solution, the related document may be either the document submitted for correction or the correction request form.