Embedding Requirements - Patient Window - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Patient Window

Patient Window
Foundation 23.1

To embed OnBase Patient Window, ensure the following requirements are met:

  • To provide a seamless login experience, OnBase Patient Window must be configured for auto-login.

  • In the Web.config for OnBase Patient Window, the cookieSameSite attribute must be set to None. It is set to Lax by default.

  • The URL to retrieve documents in OnBase Patient Window must contain the query string parameter isembedded=true. For example:


    If you are using Epic authentication, the isembedded parameter must be added outside the encrypted arg value.

  • The hosting application or web page must be configured to display the embedded URL.

  • Internet Explorer security settings must be set correctly on client workstations. If the domain hosting OnBase Patient Window is different from the domain of client workstations, then the OnBase Patient Window domain must be added to the Local Intranet zone on the client workstations.

  • The registry on client workstations must be updated to support timeline mode. See Supporting Embedded Timeline Mode.