Manually Running Physical Records Process Formats - Physical Records Management - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Physical Records Management

Physical Records Management
Foundation 23.1

To run a physical record import process:

  1. In the Client, select Admin | Physical Records | Physical Record Import.
  2. Open the PRI Formats queue.
  3. Right-click on the process and select PRI Processor. The Physical Record Import Processor dialog box is displayed.

    The options specified at this dialog box control the way data is processed and archived into the database. The options are explained in the table below.

    Process Format Option


    Store Document Indices

    Stores the processed documents in the database, along with their Keyword Values and document name. This option is enabled by default.

    Store Document Data Files

    Moves the data file to the configured disk group at the completion of processing. This option is enabled by default.

    This option must be selected for processing to occur.

    Store Import File

    This option is not supported for use with Physical Records Management.

    Create Auto Folder

    Stores the files in the auto folder currently assigned to the Document Type, as the files are processed.


    This option is only functional when foldering has been configured. For more information, see the Folders Module Reference Guide or Help file.

    Test Only

    Processing only occurs in memory, and displays a Verification Report. This option will not create any documents within OnBase, and the processing file is not deleted.

    Default Document Date

    Allows entry of a date that will store for the documents as the Document Date. This option will override the actual document date, unless pulling from the file.

    Default Keywords

    Allows for selection of Keyword Types (and associated values) to be added to each document processed, in addition to the Keyword Types detected per configuration.


    Initiates the selected process.

  4. To add one or more default Keyword Values to each document processed, in addition to the Keyword Values detected by the Physical Records Management process, click Default Keywords. The Auto Assign Keywords dialog box is displayed.

    Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Types list and enter a value for it in the Keyword field. Click Add>> to move the Keyword Type and the value to the Assigned Keywords list.

    To remove a Keyword Type and its associated value from the Assigned Keywords list, select the Keyword Type and click <<Remove.


    In order for the default Keyword Value(s) to be added to the documents imported by the Physical Records Management process, the Keyword Type(s) associated with the value(s) must be assigned to the Document Type.

  5. Enter a date in the Default Document Date field or click the calendar icon to select a date to assign a default Document Date to all documents imported by the Physical Records Management process. This option will override the actual document date, unless pulling from the file.
  6. After the desired options are set, click Process.
    The process will begin, and a status bar will display as the process is completing.
  7. The processed batch is placed in one of several data queues, depending upon the success of the process and whether it has been committed. Each queue is explained more fully in the table below.



    PRI Formats

    Displays the currently configured Physical Records Process Formats for selection. Processing is initiated from this queue.

    Process Jobs

    Displays the currently configured Process Jobs (configured in any of the import processors). Process jobs are initiated from this queue.

    Incomplete Process

    Lists all batches that were not successfully processed. This queue is displayed only when processes are incomplete. Batches will be displayed in this queue if an error occurred during the process. For more information on batches in this queue, see Incomplete Process and Incomplete Commit Queues.

    Awaiting Commit

    Lists all the batches that were processed into the database, and are in an uncommitted state. Batches in this queue can be committed or purged from OnBase. This queue will only be displayed if batches are uncommitted.

    Incomplete Commit

    Lists all the batches that began the commit process, but were not successfully committed. This queue is displayed only when you have processes that are incomplete. Batches will be displayed in this queue if an error occurred during commit. For more information on batches in this queue, see Incomplete Process and Incomplete Commit Queues.


    Lists all the batches that were processed and committed. Batches in this queue cannot be purged from OnBase.

    Each batch is given a batch number, starting at 101. The batch number is available when viewing a document's Properties.