Physical Record Locators can be retrieved for viewing as any document can be retrieved. Double-click on a Physical Record Locator in the Document Search Results list to open the document. Once open, the locator provides the following information:
Record Details: contains the record name; identifier; description of contents; name, description, and rules of the repository to which the record belongs.
Current Checkout Status: contains date of check out, expected return date, days remaining for check out, who checked out the record, and who is in possession of the record.
This also contains a Current Location field. If the user that has the record checked out opens the locator, the Current Location field can be updated by selecting the current location from the drop-down and click Save.
Pending Checkouts: contains the user who made the request for the record and the date the request was made.
Keywords: contains the Keyword Values associated with the record used for retrieval.
Checkout History: records user who had possession of the record, date of check out, and date of check in.
You can change the Keyword Types that the record will be retrieved with by changing the values in the Keywords section and clicking the Save button.