Check Out a Record using a Bar Code Scanner - Physical Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Physical Records Management

Physical Records Management
Foundation 24.1

To check out records using a bar code scanner:

  1. Click User | Physical Record | Physical Record Checkouts. The Physical Record Checkout dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the appropriate repository.
  3. Scan the bar code on the record that contains the locator's ID.

    It is recommended that the bar code scanner is configured to insert a carriage return after scanning a bar code. If the scanner was not configured in this way, you will be required to press Enter after each bar code is scanned.

    If multiple locators in the system have the same ID, a Multiple Locators Found dialog box will be displayed. Double-click on the correct locator.

  4. The record's information will be displayed in the Entry Time and Message fields.
  5. When all records have been scanned for which you want to process a check out, click Proceed to Checkout Confirmation.
  6. Click Process All Checkouts or press the right arrow key on the keyboard. A message asking Are you sure you want to check out all # entries? is displayed. Click Yes to process the check out. Click No to cancel the checkout.
  7. The records have been checked out.