Settings - Print Distribution - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Print Distribution

Print Distribution
Foundation 22.1

The Print Distribution Settings dialog box allows you to configure default settings that will be used for the entire Print Distribution. If you are working with an existing Print Distribution Group, click the Settings button to access this dialog box.

  1. Select the print queue where the documents will be sent for printing from the Print Queue drop-down list. On a WAN, you could select a network print queue that is serviced at a remote location, allowing the reports to be printed at the remote station from your location.

    If you want Print Distribution to occur at a Workstation Printer, that printer must be manually re-mapped to a print queue.


    Workstation Printers do not require print queue mapping.

  2. Select the format in which the documents will be printed from the Print Format drop-down list. This selection is considered the default print format for the distribution, and will be used if no individual print format is specified at the Document Type level (Print Distribution Document Types dialog box).
  3. Click Default Date to configure a Document Date range, limiting the group of documents to print (in addition to the Document Type and keyword criteria that will be set). For example, you could set up a Print Distribution to print only last week's reports.
    Select the default date or date range for the Document Date on the documents printed from this Print Distribution Group.
  4. Click Save.

    All Print Distribution Settings configured here can be changed at the actual time of printing (when the Print Distribution Group dialog box is displayed in the Client module).