-SCHED - Print Distribution - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Print Distribution

Print Distribution
Foundation 22.1

Some process formats or jobs can be scheduled to run automatically. The -SCHED switch causes the Client to queue these scheduled process formats and jobs for later processing; if the machine running the OnBase Client in Scheduler mode (i.e., running the OnBase Client with the -SCHED command line switch applied) is also the processing workstation, then the process formats or jobs will run at their scheduled times.

In order for the scheduled process format or job to be run, OnBase must be running in Scheduler mode on the processing workstation. If OnBase is not running, or if OnBase is not running in Scheduler mode, then the scheduled processes will not run.

A process format or job can be scheduled from any OnBase Client workstation by a user with the proper rights.