Printing a Print Distribution Group involves having OnBase identify the documents to be printed (per the configured Document Type and Keyword Type criteria) and submitting them to the Print Queue to be printed. To do so:
- Select Admin | Print Distribution | Print.
The Print Distribution Group dialog box is displayed.
Select the Print Distribution group you want to print from the Distribution Group drop-down list. Once a distribution group is selected, the rest of the fields of the dialog box will be filled with the group's configured settings. Any changes made to these fields after the initial selection of the distribution group will override the configured settings for the group.
In high volume situations, using only the Keyword Values defined in the Print Distribution process can result in extremely long processing times for the printed documents. In most cases, printing should be limited by Document Date using the Date list or the From/To fields.
Print Distribution Group Setting
Print Queue
Specifies the print queue to receive the documents to be printed. In a WAN setting, this can allow you to select where the desired documents will be printed as well.
Print Format
Defines the preconfigured format that defines the way the documents will appear on the printout (page orientation, header/title, paper source, etc.). This selection will override any print formats set at the Document Type level.
Date, From/To
Specifies a Document Date range by which to limit the documents identified for printing. Month/year selections may be made from the Date list, or a specific range in a mm/dd/yyyy format can be input in the From and To fields.
If no date range is selected, only the Keyword Values assigned to the Print Distribution will be used to limit the document retrieval.
Note:To clear the selected months in the Date list, double-click the list.
- Click Print. The distribution request is displayed in the Print Server Queue and printed to the associated printer. The documents will print in the order they were configured in the Print Distribution(Document Types list), subsorted by document handle within each Document Type.