The Public Access front end client can be installed in the same application as the server. With this option, the files under the samples! folder are copied and renamed within the existing directory structure of the web application.
To install thePublic Accessfront end client in the same application as the server:
- Copy the ..\ PublicAccessServer\!samples\assets folder and all its contents from the build directory to the physical root directory of the PublicAccessServer website. For example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PublicAccessServer\assets.
- Copy the ..\PublicAccessServer\_obpa\ folder and all its contents from the build directory to the physical root directory of the PublicAccessServer website.
- Copy the ..\PublicAccessSever\!samples\styles.css file from the build directory to the physical root directory of the PublicAccessServer website.
- Create a new folder in the ..\PublicAccessServer director to contatin the front end client search page files. for example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PublicAccessServer\PublicRecordSearch.
- Copy the contents of the ..\PublicAccessSever\!samples\sample-cq folder to the new folder creted in the previous step.
- In the new folder, open the obpa-config.json file in a text editor program such as Notepad.
- In obpa-config.json, find the url key within the api object.
- Set the value of the url key to the URL of the Public Access API.This URL is the virtual path to the directory containing the Public Access bin folder, with /api appended.
- Set the relative path to the api as “url”: “../api”:.
- Save and close the obpa-config.json file.
- In the new folder, open the index.html file in a text editor program such as Notepad.
- Within the OBPA files section, the value of the src URLs must be updated to reflect the change in folder structure. Specifically, one directly level should be removed.
- Save and close the index.html file.
For more information on configuring page level settings, see Front-End Client Configuration.