Folders - Public Sector Constituency Web Access - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Public Sector Constituency Web Access

Public Sector Constituency Web Access
Foundation 23.1

Configure Folders to return only documents that are to be granted public access. See the Folders module reference guide for more details on configuring Folders.


Depending on your solution's configuration, E-Forms and Unity Forms may be displayed as PDF files or using their native format. When these forms are displayed as PDF files, they will not allow any user interaction.

Folders accessed from Public Access have the following restrictions:

  • File cabinets are not supported.

  • If a Folder contains an HTML document, it is displayed as a PDF file in Public Access.

Folders that display E-Forms or Unity Forms have the following limitations:

  • The form must not have JavaScript that requires user interaction such as a dialog box or alert.

  • Tabs and other dynamic interfaces will not be functional.

  • The form will attempt to render as an 8.5 x 11 page.


Form styles and layout should be tested for acceptability before deployment.