Installing Public Access - Public Sector Constituency Web Access - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Public Sector Constituency Web Access

Public Sector Constituency Web Access
Foundation 24.1

Public Access is a web application that requires its own virtual directory and application pool. The Public Access web application can be run as a single web application with both the Public Access Server components and the Public Access front end client components in the same application. The front end client can also be run in a separate web application, including a publicly facing website.

To install the Public Access Server components:

  1. In IIS Manager, create a new website or identify an existing website to install the Public Access application on.
  2. Copy the ..\PublicAccess\PublicAccess\ folder and all its contents from the build directory to the physical root directory of the website. For example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\.
  3. From the newly copied PublicAccessServer folder, open the Public Access web.config file in a plain-text editor.
  4. Configure the following in the Hyland.Web.PublicAccess element:
    • Set the value of the user attribute to the OnBase user account used for Public Access. For more information, see User Account.

    • Set the value of the password attribute to the corresponding password of the Public Access user.

    • Set the value of the datasource attribute to the name of the data source which the Application Server uses to connect to the database.

  5. Configure the following in the Hyland.Services.Client element:
    • Set the Url of the ApplicationServer attribute to the Application Server's service page.

    • Specify the type of connection to make with the Application Server by setting the ServiceClientType of the ApplicationServer attribute to either Remoting or SOAP.


      The ApplicationServer Url must end with Service.rem for Remoting connections and Service.asmx for SOAP connections.

  6. Save and close the Public Access web.config file.
  7. In IIS Manager, create a new application pool for Public Access.
  8. Configure the following in the Advanced Settings for the application pool:
    • Set the .NET CLR Version to v4.0.

    • Set Enable 32-Bit Applications to False.

    • Set Managed Pipeline Mode to Integrated.

  9. Right-click the website you want to add Public Access to and select Add Application.
  10. Configure the following in the Add Application dialog box:
    • Enter an Alias for the application. For example, PublicAccess.

    • Assign the Public Access Application pool you created to the application.

    • In the Physical path field, enter the path of the ..\PublicAccessServer\ folder which you copied to the physical root directory of the website. For example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\PublicAccessServer.

  11. Click OK to add the Public Access application to the website.

    To ensure all installation/configuration information is refreshed after installing Public Access, restart the IIS Admin Service via the Services console. Restarting IIS or recycling an application pool immediately ends all user sessions. For this reason, it is recommended to perform these actions after normal business hours.

Once the Public Access Server has been installed, see the following sections depending on how you are deploying the Public Access front end client.