Check for Server Availability - Public Sector Constituency Web Access - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external

Public Sector Constituency Web Access

Public Sector Constituency Web Access
Foundation 24.1

To confirm that the Public Access Server is available and communicating with the database, enter the following URL in a web browser, where [Server Location] is the network location of the server hosting the Application Server, and [Server Name] is the name of the Public Access Server:

https://[Server Location]/[Server Name]/api/Server/IsAlive

The browser returns a True page if the Public Access Server is available, and a False page if the Public Access Server is unavailable.


The isAlive URL endpoint can also be used by automated monitoring tools such as load balancers. For information on configuring a specific tool to use an endpoint such as isAlive, see the documentation for that tool.