The Manage Project User Flow setup screen in Costpoint affects which Project Numbers, Accounts, and Orgs are available for selection in REQConnect.
Active and Allow Charging: The project must be active and allow charging.
Account Group: Represents all accounts that can be charged to the project.
Limit | Accounts: Further limits accounts that can be charged to the Project
Limit | Organizations: Limits organization codes that may be charged to the project.
Default to Owning Organization: When project is entered the Org code in this window is populated automatically.
Project Classification: May be used for approval routing through Rules Engine configuration. These values are for reporting purposes within Costpoint and have no bearing to make the project chargeable or not. Project Classification is system defined in Costpoint and has a limited number of values to select.
Project Manager: Defines the manager for this project and may be used for approval routing through the Rules engine Configuration. The employee ID must be active within Costpoint to be selected.