Build and Deploy - REQConnect - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external


Foundation 24.1

This step involves the building and deployment of the imported package. Building involves: creating Java files for the methods; compiling them into Java class; creating XML schemas and interfaces, including creating the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file for the Web service interface; and packaging them into final JAR files. An optional step is provided to allow you to deploy the JAR files to a Costpoint WebLogic application server.

Once this step it is completed, you are able to run the REQConnect processes that posts requisition data directly to Costpoint.

The following steps allow you to build and deploy the imported package.

  1. Start the Costpoint Integration Console at Start | Costpoint 7.0.x | Start Costpoint 7.0.x Integration Console.
  2. Select Build/Deploy Integration Modules (Web Services/EJB) from the available options and click Next.
  3. In the Integration Module Builder dialog box, select the Requisition Preprocessor (PPMENTRQ) to build and click Build/Deploy... to start the process.
  4. In the Build/Deploy Integration Module dialog box, copy the Output Folder path into Notepad so you can paste it into the Web.config file in a later step. This dialog box shows all of the path and login information for the Build/Deploy process. You do not need to change any of the default information displayed in this dialog box.
  5. Click Build/Deploy. This starts the process of creating the JAR component in the system. This process may run for several minutes as it performs a series of updates.
  6. Deploy Process Complete is displayed in the dialog box when the process is complete. Click OK to exit. The posting process in REQConnect is now ready to be tested.

The file PPMENTRQWS.JAR is created under the output directory as a result of this process. You can manually check for its existence. By default, this file is placed in the subdirectory C:\Deltek\Costpoint\70\Applications\Enterprise\.