Searching for Existing Requisitions - REQConnect - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - external


Foundation 24.1

From the left pane in the Initiation Screen, you can search for existing requisitions in OnBase and view them in the Web Client.

  1. Click the Search button in the left pane of the Initiation Screen. The Search Requisitions form is displayed.
  2. Enter search terms into the various fields to limit the requisition search. The following considerations apply to searching for requisitions:
    • If you leave all of the search fields blank, REQConnect performs an unrestricted query on all of the existing requisitions in OnBase, which may take a long time.

    • Searching by the Assigned Approver Email value is not supported in implementations of REQConnect using Workflow Approval Management.

    • Searching by the Vendor ID or Vendor Name alone results in an unrestricted query.

  3. Click Clear to remove all data entered into the search fields and reset the Search Requisitions form.
  4. Click Close to return to the Initiation Screen.
  5. Click Search when you have entered the desired search terms. The OnBase Web Client opens in a separate window and displays a list of the requisitions that match the search terms.
  6. Double-click an entry in the search results list to view the requisition form.