The following fields are available in the Header Section tab.
Field |
Note |
Description |
Requisition Date |
Auto-populated |
The Requisition Date is auto-populated from the computers system date when the requisition is entered and may not be edited. |
Requester |
Auto-populated |
The requester's name is auto-populated based on the information entered in the Initiation Screen. Note:
The requester must be in the Costpoint employee table. |
Requester Phone |
Auto-populated |
This field is retrieved automatically from the requester's employee record in Costpoint. This field may be editable, depending on how your solution is configured. Contact your first line of support for more information. |
Need by Date |
Required |
This is a default date that the items on the requisition are needed by. Select a date by using the calendar button. Note:
The Need by Date must be at least one day in the future. |
Program/Organization |
Auto-populated |
The Program/Organization (Organization ID) is auto-populated based on the requester's home organization as recorded in their employee record in Costpoint. Note:
This organization code is for reporting and reference only. The organization charged to the requisition is entered at the line entry. |
Project Type |
Auto-populated |
The Project Type field is auto-populated once the first line is entered in the Line Item Detail area. Note:
The value comes from the project type field in the project master record in Costpoint based on the Project Number entered on the first line. |
Procurement Type |
May be optional based on config settings |
Select the appropriate procurement type from the drop-down list provided. The procurement type is a user-defined value that describes the type of purchase represented by the requisition. This value may also be used for reporting and approval routing if desired. This field may be optional or required, depending on how your solution is configured. Contact your first line of support for more information. Note:
The Procurement Type list is pulled from the Costpoint procurement type table. The Procurement Type is also passed to Costpoint during the preprocessor phase. |
Expenditure Type |
Optional |
The Expenditure Type field is a user defined field used for approval routing rules or reporting information. Use the drop-down list to select the appropriate entry. Note:
A separate configuration table must be populated for REQConnect before the user can make a selection. |
Requisition Total |
Auto-populated |
The Requisition Total field is auto-calculated as each line item detail record is entered at the bottom of the Item Details tab or in the right pane, depending on the layout. Note:
The total represents the transactional total for the requisition. REQConnect supports Costpoint's Multicurrency feature. |
Shipping Address |
Required for Parts, Goods, or Taxable Trans-actions |
Use the magnifying glass button to search and select the appropriate shipping address for the supplier to deliver their goods or services. This selection determines the default shipping address for all items on the purchase requisition. This address can be overridden at the line item level. Note:
The shipping address determines the tax rate to be applied if the item line is a taxable entry. |
Header Notes |
Optional |
Enter any notes that are applicable to this requisition that may assist all users in understanding the requirements listed on the requisition. These notes stay with the form throughout the process. Note:
The header notes also pass to Costpoint as requisition and PO header notes. These notes can be viewed by internal (company) and external (vendors). |
Change Order check box |
Optional |
Select this check box if this is a change order request to an existing purchase order. When this check box is selected, the following dialog box is displayed, allowing you to enter notes regarding the change order. This information is used by the buyer to update the existing purchase order in Costpoint. Enter the Purchase Order Number and Release Number for an existing purchase order to be changed. To search for Purchase Orders, click the Magnifying Glass button. The system validates the PO number against Costpoint. Click Save when done. The Clear Fields button removes the existing Change Order information. |
Multi Currency check box |
Optional |
Select this check box if the requisition is to be processed in a currency other than the corporate currency. The currency in which the requisition is to be processed is the transactional currency. For additional details on using this feature, see Header Section: Multi Currency Check Box. |
Exchange Rate |
Optional |
This button is only available only if the Multi Currency check box is selected. It displays the following section at the bottom of the Header Section tab. The values are auto-populated based on the exchange rate and the transactional total of the requisition. |
Add Supporting Documents |
Optional |
Click this button to upload digital documents into the system from anywhere on your computer or on a network share. These documents are then linked to the requisition that is currently opened. This action opens the following dialog box. You can select the type of document you are uploading and add one or more files. Once you add the files you want, click Save to upload them. |