Document Type Configuration - Records Management - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 23.1

You can associate a Document Type with the Folder Type for auto-foldering through Document Type configuration.

  1. On the Document Types dialog box, click the Auto-Foldering button. The Auto-Folder Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Add Folder Types to the Selected Folder Types into which documents of this Document Type will be auto-foldered.
  3. Select a Folder Type from the Selected Folder Types and click Keywords.

    The Auto-Folder Keywords dialog box displays all Keyword Types assigned to the selected Document Type.

  4. Assign the Keyword Types required for auto-foldering. Select a required Keyword Type and then select Auto-Folder Using this Keyword. This option is available only for Keyword Types common to the Document Type and the Folder Type.

    When Auto-Folder Using this Keyword is selected, the Keyword Type's Auto-Folder status changes from FALSE to TRUE.

    • Assign the Keyword Types required to link the Document Type to its Folder Type and all relevant parent Folder Types. The combination of Keyword Types should ensure that all appropriate documents drill down to the correct folder. For additional information about Keyword Types required for auto-foldering, see the following topics:

      Identify Keyword Types for Organizing Folders and Documents

      Multiple Instances of Keyword Types and Auto-Foldering


      When Keyword Types used for auto-foldering have multiple values, OnBase automatically creates a separate folder for each Keyword value and places the document in each folder. Ensure that your Keyword Type design will achieve the intended auto-foldering results.

    • A document will not be auto-foldered if it is missing one or more keywords that are used for auto-foldering. In the OnBase Client, the following error message is displayed unless the document is encountered as part of an automated process:

  5. To prevent this error message from displaying when the selected Keyword Type is missing a value, select Suppress Error if Keyword Is Blank. In Core Services applications, the error is never displayed.
    Documents missing Keyword values required for auto-foldering will not be auto-foldered, regardless of whether the error message is suppressed for the Keyword Type.
  6. Determine whether updating Keyword Types not used for auto-foldering is required. Continue to step 6 to configure Keyword update options.
    A Document Type may be assigned several Keyword Types that do not affect the auto-foldering structure. If these Keyword Types are also assigned to Folder Types in the auto-foldering structure, new Keyword values can be added to or replaced on these Folder Types when an auto-foldering process adds or updates documents within the folder structure.
  7. Specify which Keyword values are updated when an auto-foldering process is performed for an existing auto-foldering structure:
    1. Select a Keyword Type that is not required for auto-foldering.
      Keyword Update options cannot be configured for Keyword Types required for auto-foldering. New folders are created when values on Keyword Types used for auto-foldering are updated or changed.
    2. Select a Keyword Update option. The option applies to the Keyword values which have been applied to the auto-folder, to any of its parent folders, and to any of its auto-created child folders. Keywords are not updated on manually created child folders.

      If an auto-folder has more than one instance of an auto-created child folder based on the same Folder Type, Keywords are not updated on child folders based on that Folder Type. Keywords are updated on an auto-created child folder only if there is a single instance of the child folder for the auto-created Folder Type. When an auto-folder contains multiple auto-created child folders of the same Folder Type, the OnBase transaction log logs a folder activity subaction of Folder Keyword Auto-Update Failure.

      Options are described in the following table:



      No Action

      Folders retain their original values. This is the default setting for all Keyword Types not required for auto-foldering.

      When this option is selected, the Keyword Type's Update status is NO.

      Replace Folder Keywords

      The new Keyword value replaces the original Keyword value on any folder that would be created through the auto-folder process, including the auto-folder itself and its parent/child folders.

      For example, if a folder has three Keyword values and the auto-foldered document has only one, the three values are replaced with the single Keyword value from the document.

      When this option is selected, the Keyword Type's Update status is REPLACE.


      In the Web Client and Unity Client, when changing a document's keyword value, folder auto-name strings containing these values may not automatically be updated for the current session. In the Web Client, users must refresh the folders interface to reflect the changes. In the Unity Client, users must select and refresh the parent folder to reflect the changes.


      When Replace Folder Keywords is configured for an auto-foldering Folder Type or Document Type in one file cabinet structure, the Keyword Value is only replaced in that structure. Other file cabinet structures containing auto-foldering Folder Types or Document Types using the same documents as those configured with this option must be configured separately.

      Add to Folder Keywords

      Another instance of the Keyword Type is created on any folder that would be created through the auto-folder process, including the auto-folder itself and its parent/child folders. The new instance of the Keyword Type is populated with the new Keyword value. Any existing instances of the Keyword Type retain their original values.

      For example, if a folder has one value for the Keyword Type and the auto-foldered document has a different value, the folder will have two values for the Keyword Type: the original Keyword value and the Keyword value from the auto-foldered document.

      When this option is selected, the Keyword Type's Update status is ADD.


      When Add to Folder Keywords is configured for an auto-foldering Folder Type or Document Type in one file cabinet structure, the Keyword Value is only added in that structure. Other file cabinet structures containing auto-foldering Folder Types or Document Types using the same documents as those configured with this option must be configured separately.

    3. Repeat to configure update options for each Keyword Type.
  8. Click Close.