The ability to automatically create a folder structure through auto-foldering is directly related to the parent-child Folder Type relationship that begins with the file cabinet.
Each Folder Type in the auto-foldering structure, with the exception of the file cabinet's Folder Type, will have a parent Folder Type. The parent Folder Type is the Folder Type within which a child Folder Type resides. In the following example, note the parent-child relationships:
The parent of the Form Type Folder Type is the File Cabinet - General Hospital Folder Type (Folder Type of the file cabinet).
There are three child Folder Types of the Form Type Folder Type - Admit Forms Folder, EOB Folder, and Patient Information Folder.
The parent to Admit Forms Folder, EOB Folder, and Patient Information Folder Folder Types is Form Type.
Admit Forms Folder, EOB Folder, and Patient Information Folder Folder Types do not have any child Folder Types.
When configuring auto-foldering applications, you will assign parent Folder Types to all Folder Types inside the file cabinet hierarchy.
Do not assign a parent Folder Type to the file cabinet Folder Type.