Final Disposition Settings - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

The following final disposition settings control what happens to the file after the retention period has elapsed:

  • Destroy - Delete Physical Files Only will delete the electronic file, but will keep the metadata information intact in OnBase. Administrators can view the document history and see that the document was destroyed by Records Management.

  • Purge - Delete Physical Files and Document Data will delete the electronic file and all of its associated metadata.

  • Keep History Log will retain history log entries for folders and their documents that are purged, including an entry for the folder purge event. If this option is not selected (the default setting), then log entries for the appropriate folders and their documents are purged when the folders are purged.

  • Retain - Permanent Record will make a managed folder a permanent record which will not be destroyed.

  • Requires Approval can be used in conjunction with either Destroy or Purge. This option requires an administrator to approve the destruction of information before the information is destroyed or purged.