Identify Keyword Types for Organizing Folders and Documents - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

Auto-foldering requires common Keyword Types to be established between the following components:

  • A Folder Type and its parent Folder Type.

    Common Keyword Types between a Folder Type and its parent determine where a folder is created within a folder structure. Common Keyword Types are assigned on the Parent Type tab when you configure a Folder Type for auto-foldering.

  • A Document Type and the Folder Type configured for auto-foldering.

    Common Keyword Types between a Document Type and a Folder Type are used to determine the Folder Type where documents are auto-foldered. These Keyword Types are assigned either using the Auto-Folder tab for the Folder Type or using the Auto-Folder Configuration dialog box for the Document Type.


Only the Keyword Types required to establish these relationships should be assigned as auto-folder Keyword Types.


Assign Keyword Types whose values won't change. Values for Keyword Types like Name and Address could change, whereas values for Keyword Types like SSN, ID, and Policy Number are likely to remain fixed.

For auto-foldering to work, imported documents must have values for the Keyword Types that define these relationships. If an imported document is missing a value for a Keyword Type used for auto-foldering, the document is not auto-foldered. If an imported document has multiple values for one Keyword Type, a new folder is created for each Keyword value, and the document is placed in each folder. See Multiple Instances of Keyword Types and Auto-Foldering for additional information.

In the Example of Intended Results Outline, the file cabinet contains a parent Folder Type of Branch and a child Folder Type of Account. In this example, the Document Type that resides in the Account folder must be assigned the Keyword Types of both Branch and Account. This ensures that the account statement resides in the Account folder for the correct branch. (For example, the statement for John Doe, Account #111 of Branch 1 should reside in the Account #111 folder of Branch 1 and not the Account #111 folder of Branch 2.)

See How OnBase Uses Keyword Values When Auto-Foldering for more information about these concepts.


Avoid assigning Keyword Types based on names; a name can change (by marriage, for example) or be misspelled, which would result in an incorrect auto-foldering structure. A better choice is to auto-folder using the Account # Keyword Type—a static, unique number.