Overview of Auto-Foldering Configuration - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

Ensure you understand how basic folders work before configuring auto-foldering.


As an exercise for understanding auto-foldering, set up an auto-foldering scheme containing both dynamic and static folders at different levels in the hierarchy. A static folder created through auto-foldering will automatically contain only the document that triggered the auto-foldering process. Any additional contents must be added manually. A dynamic folder will be automatically populated with all documents that satisfy the folder's dynamic requirements.

  1. Before beginning auto-foldering configuration, outline the intended results. See Example of Intended Results Outline for additional information.
  2. Configure a Folder Type for the file cabinet. See Configuring Only the Folder Type for a File Cabinet.
  3. Configure the following for all Folder Types that belong in this file cabinet.
    • Settings Tab

    • User Groups Tab

    • Keyword Types Tab

    • Auto-Name Tab

    • Display Tab

    File cabinets can contain folders of multiple Folder Types. (For example, both static Folder Types and dynamic Folder Types can reside in the same file cabinet. See Folder Type Configuration.)


    Refer to your outline for guidance on assigning Keyword Types.

  4. Configure the parent Folder Types for all Folder Types that will be in the hierarchy. Parent Folder Types create the relationship between a folder and a child folder. See Parent Folder Type Configuration.
  5. If the Folder Type is Static only, proceed to the next step. When auto-foldering with a static Folder Type, only the document that triggers the auto-foldering process will be added to the folder automatically. The rest of the folder's contents must be added manually.
    If the Folder Type is dynamic (Dynamic Document Types, Dynamic Document Type Groups or a combination of Static and Dynamic), you must configure additional dynamic parameters. For comprehensive Folder Type configuration steps, see Folder Type Configuration.
  6. Create the file cabinet. See File Cabinet Configuration.

    You must create a separate Folder Type for each file cabinet that uses auto-foldering. You cannot share a Folder Type between two file cabinets when auto-foldering.

  7. Configure auto-foldering for all Document Types that will be automatically placed in this hierarchy of Folders upon import into OnBase. See Configuring Document Type Auto-Foldering.