Creating Both a File Cabinet and its Folder Type - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

The following procedure describes how to create a file cabinet and its Folder Type at the same time.

  1. In OnBase Configuration, select Document | Folder Types. The Folder Type configuration dialog box is displayed:
    • The left pane contains the folder tree, which displays previously configured Folder Types and their parent/child relationships.

    • The right pane contains all available configurable settings for a Folder Type.

  2. Right-click the folder tree background and select New File Cabinet.
  3. The New Folder Type dialog box is displayed. In the field provided, type the name of the new Folder Type.
    • When you create a file cabinet this way, the name entered for the Folder Type is also used for the file cabinet. If you rename the Folder Type after creating the file cabinet, the file cabinet's name remains the same. To rename the file cabinet, see Renaming File Cabinets.

    • Use a name that reflects the types of documents the file cabinet will contain. Ensure the naming convention indicates that this Folder Type is for a file cabinet.

      For example, if the file cabinet will contain insurance policies, name the Folder Type INS - Policies File Cabinet. These naming conventions will make it easier to manage a folder structure containing many Folder Types and file cabinets.

  4. Click Save. The new Folder Type is selected and ready for configuration.
  5. Select the new Folder Type, right-click and select File Cabinets to see the file cabinet that corresponds to the Folder Type.
  6. Select the file cabinet and click User Group.
  7. Select User Group(s) from the Available Groups list and click Add to move them to the Selected Groups list. User Groups in the Selected Groups list will be able to access the file cabinet from the Client and perform all actions configured for the Folder Types inside the file cabinet.

    To access the file cabinet, User Groups must be assigned to both the file cabinet and the corresponding Folder Type. When a file cabinet is created using this method, the User Groups you add to the Folder Type before clicking Save are assigned to both the file cabinet and the Folder Type. If you later change the User Groups assigned to the Folder Type, then you must select the Apply User Group Setting to File Cabinet option to propagate your changes to the file cabinet. Otherwise, you can change the file cabinet's User Group assignment manually using the File Cabinet dialog box.


    Only the file cabinet(s) based on the selected Folder Type are displayed when you right-click and select File Cabinets. To see all file cabinets in OnBase, select Document | File Cabinets.

  8. Click the Display tab. Under Icons, select an image to represent the file cabinet or folders based on this Folder Type. Select the same image from the Icon and Small Icon drop-down lists.
  9. Click Save when finished. Do not configure any additional items for a file cabinet.