Dynamic Folder Type Configuration - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

Dynamic Folder Type configuration allows folders to be populated automatically with documents that meet the Document Type and Keyword value requirements.

  1. If you configured the Folder Type for dynamic contents, click the Dynamic tab.

    The Available Document Types list displays available Document Types or Document Type Groups. You must assign all Document Types or Document Type Groups that folders of this Folder Type should dynamically contain.


    Only Document Types and Document Type Groups to which you have rights are listed.

  2. To filter Document Types by Document Type Group, select the Document Type Group from the Document Type Group filter. This filter is unavailable if the Folder Type is configured for Dynamic Document Type Groups.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add a Document Type/Group, select it from the Available Document Types list and click Add.

    • To remove a Document Type/Group, select the Document Type from the Selected Document Types list and click Remove.

    • To modify an existing Keyword Type assignment, select the Document Type and click Keyword Types.


      To select multiple Document Types or Document Type Groups, press CTRL as you select each one.

  4. When a Document Type/Group is added, OnBase automatically displays the Keywords dialog box.
  5. Select Keyword Types to match between the documents and the folder.
    • If the Folder Type is configured for dynamic Document Types, then only Keyword Types common to both the selected Document Types and the Folder Type are available. If the necessary Keyword Types are not displayed, reassign the Keyword Types for the Folder Type or Document Type as needed.

    • If the Folder Type is configured for dynamic Document Type Groups, then all Keyword Types assigned to the Folder Type are available. If a document in an assigned Document Type Group matches a value for at least one of the folder's assigned dynamic Keyword Types, then the document is pulled into the folder.

      If a document has no Keyword value in common with a folder's dynamic Keyword Types, then the document is not displayed in the folder.


    Assign Keyword Types whose values won't change. Values for Keyword Types like Name and Address could change, whereas values for Keyword Types like SSN, ID, and Policy Number are likely to remain fixed.

  6. Repeat for each Document Type needed.
  7. If the Folder Type is configured to display documents ordered by a Document Type Sequence(on the Display tab), use the Up and Down buttons to change the Document Type sequence.
  8. Click Save.