Date-Based Folders - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

Date-based folders let you organize documents by Document Date using folder date ranges. By applying a folder date range, you can use folders to dynamically store documents whose Document Dates fall within the specified range. This feature provides the most value when used with dynamic folders, auto-foldering, or both.

  • When used with auto-foldering, folders are created based on Document Date.

    For example, suppose auto-foldering is configured for checking statements, and the Folder Type has a folder date range of Monthly. When a checking statement enters OnBase with a date of 01/11/2008, a folder will be created for the month of January. When a checking statement enters OnBase with a date of 02/11/2008, a folder will be created for the month of February.

  • When dynamic date-based folders are manually created, the folder date range is based on the user-specified Folder Date value. To be dynamically stored, documents must have a Document Date that falls within the date range on the folder, and they must satisfy any criteria configured on the Folder Type's Dynamic tab.

    For example, if you create a month-based folder in January, all documents that satisfy the Folder Type dynamic criteria and whose Document Dates are within the month of January will be automatically pulled into the folder.


Changing the Folder Date value after a folder is created will not change the folder's date range. In the example above, if you changed the Folder Date from 01/11/2008 to 04/11/2008, the folder will retain a date range of January.

Folder date range options are described in the following table:

Date Range



Folders will not organize contents based on date.


Folders will contain documents whose Document Dates are the same.


Folders will contain documents whose Document Dates fall within the same week (e.g., Sunday–Saturday).

By default, OnBase uses Sunday as the start of the week. To change the start of the week for weekly folders, configure Weekly Folder Settings.


Folders will contain documents whose Document Dates fall within the same month.


Folders will contain documents whose Document Dates fall within the same quarter.

Q1 is January–March, Q2 is April–June, Q3 is July–September, and Q4 is October–December.


Folders will contain documents whose Document Dates fall within the same half of the year (January–June or July–December).


Folders will contain documents whose Document Dates fall within the same year.


You can have different combinations of folder date ranges between parent folders and child folders. For example, a parent folder can be configured with a folder date range of Annually and it can contain child folders with folder date ranges for Monthly.


You must configure the Auto-Name string to name date-based folders appropriately. See the Auto-Name configuration section for details.