Oracle and Case Sensitivity - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

Users may have trouble with folder pop-up lists in Oracle databases. When users enter text into the pop-up list filter bar, all folders are filtered out, and it appears that the matching folders do not exist. This behavior may occur when folder Auto-Names contain lowercase characters. Folders with mixed-case Auto-Names are filtered out when uppercase text is entered into the pop-up list's filter bar. This behavior occurs in all OnBase client applications, though the exact symptoms vary per application.

This behavior occurs because Oracle databases are case-sensitive, and the folder pop-up list forces users to enter letters in uppercase. If you are using an Oracle database, then you must capitalize all letters in the Auto-Names of folders retrieved using a pop-up list.


In the Web Client and Unity Client, the folder pop-up list accepts mixed-case characters. However, users must enter characters in the same case as the characters in the folder names.