Placing Holds on Folders - Records Management - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Records Management

Records Management
Foundation 24.1

If you have sufficient privileges, you can place a hold on a managed folder to pause activity on the folder. When a folder is on hold:

  • You cannot add or remove documents from it.

  • You cannot add, modify, or delete folder notes from it.

  • Events that take effect while the folder is on hold are not processed until the hold is removed.

  • The retention plan cannot be run on the folder.

  • Keyword-based retention plan updates are not processed until the hold is removed.


Placing a hold does not stop a folder from going through its retention period. Holds do not stop the time from accumulating. Once a hold is removed, if the time has expired for the retention period, the folder immediately transitions to its final disposition.

To place a hold on a folder:

  1. Select the appropriate managed folder from the folder tree or the Records Management Administration layout.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click on the folder and select Place Hold.

    • On the Folder tab, click Place Hold.

  3. The Place Hold dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select the appropriate Hold reason from the drop-down.
  5. Enter a Reason for the hold in the text box provided. This field is mandatory.
  6. Click OK. The folder is placed on hold, and it displays the following icon:

    You can not place more than one hold of the same type on a folder, but you can place different types of holds on a folder. Different users can place a second hold of the same type on a folder.